The Beginning

Monday, August 16, 2010

This blog has begun at the request of my friends and students Pearl and Erika. I had the pleasure of teaching yoga this summer in my hometown Omaha, NE, where I gained the dedication of several students. Now living in Minneapolis, MN, but still loyal to my Omaha roots, I would like to use this blog to post my personal ideas about the path of yoga for the hometown crowd. I intend to post at least one class a week, if not more. All different styles will be represented because that's the way I practice myself. I am open to requests and can offer tutorials as well, based on things I've learned over the years. Please, send your ideas my way!
Oh, I should explain my blog title.
On the path of Raja Yoga,  there are eight achievable limbs before the final step samadhi, which is Self-realization. The second limb is niyamas which is defined as inner observances, or more easily put, individual conduct--the way one should act toward oneself. The second niyama is santosha, or contentment. Contentment with one's situation in life, contentment in this moment, contentment with your Hatha yoga practice--you name it, it's applicable. In her book Bringing Yoga to Life Donna Farhi, an incredible author on the subject of yoga, writes on the subject of santosha " We find that all that we need lies within the content of the moment, even if that moment is difficult (p 31)."
This is a lesson with which I think we all struggle daily--just being "okay" with our current situation. Not striving, not yearning, just being. So, this blog will serve to serve you in your present (contented) moment.


  1. Damn. I forgot to shout out to my lovely ladies of Prague. This is definitely equally theirs as well. Love!

  2. I am a follower! Thank you for your words. Thank you for being a Santosha promoter. Cheers for your new blog and hugs from Prague. - Blythe


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